HVAC Selling Tech Training

Course Overview

Gary Grider's Testimonial

Gary Grider’s Testimonial — Click to enlarge

Many of you would agree that technicians have the potential to be our best sales people because customers trust them. It’s easy to see why a customer prefers a service tech over a “salesman.” In the customer’s mind the service tech is there to help — period. There’s no other agenda: fix it, charge a fair price, and get out. So, why are techs so hesitant to sell? There are at least two reasons: a false belief that to be effective, you have to be pushy, and they lack a process that can easily be followed. We will introduce the tech to the most important and useful tool available, the Comfort Survey. The Comfort Survey is an excellent way for the tech to build trust and rapport with their client while discovering their needs and wants in a conversational manner. By attending HVAC Selling Tech, you will develop advanced communication skills, learn how to ask the right questions, present multiple solutions to work within the client’s budget, upsell add-ons, and handle objections to close more calls.  

At the end of this 2-day session you will be able to:

  • Experience practicing how to turn a service call into a replacement opportunity
  • Utilize a consultative sales approach to build value and trust
  • Improve communication skills to better assess and understand client’s needs
  • Upsell relevant add-ons and accessories
  • Overcome objections and present multiple options
  • Create value when offering replacement options utilizing the SGI Service Model and the Comfort Survey
  • Practice and perfect your presentation

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